GeneX Test Drill (MGX Team -UMB) ========================== 1. Get help. Is the information sufficient to start working on GeneX tool? 2. Select a base and insert one or more bases: A, G, C, or T. (Bases are inserted by capital " A,G,C,T "). Did you notice a different peptide sequence? 3. Commit this sequence to history. Save the session. 4. Open the existing DNA sequence from history to second panel. Replace a base. (Bases are replaced by small " a,g,c,t "). 5. Commit this sequence to history. Save the session. 6. Reset DNA sequence in the second panel and delete one or more bases. Commit it to history. Save the session with a different filename. 7. Close the existing session and open the first saved session. How many DNA sequences do you see in history? 8. Close the opened session and re-open the second saved session. How many DNA sequences do you see in history? Questions ========= 1. Were you able to differentiate between selected and non-selected panel? YES / NO 2. Was the help enough? YES / NO 3. Was the GUI difficult to use? Any suggestions (features you like/dislike)? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________