Protex Test Drill ================= 1. Start Protex. 2. Load amino acid chain. (Hints: Toolbar; Left-most button.) 3. Fold polypeptide (amino acid) chain in upper work panel. See folded polypeptide chain in output area of upper work panel (labeled Folded Protein). 4. Enable lower work panel. (Hint: Click on EDIT, or click on input area labeled Polypeptide Chain.) 5. Double click on item in History. Now see amino acid chain in lower work panel input area. 6. Remove a few amino acids from chain in lower work panel input area. (Hint: Click on an amino acid to remove it from the chain.) 7. Fold the polypeptide chain in lower work panel. 8. Clear the upper work panel. 9. Start a new amino acid chain in the upper work panel. (Hint: Click on an amino acid in the Amino Acid Palette.) 10. Fold the amino acid chain in upper work panel. 11. Move the amino acid chain from the upper work panel to the lower work panel. 12. Clear all work panels. Questions ========= 1. How many entries do you see in the History? 2. Which panel is now enabled? 3. If you had to choose a bright color, which color would it be? For example, would it be bright pink?