VGL Test Drill ============== 1. Start VGL. 2. Start a new Problem. (Select a level with an odd number to start.) 3. Select mode Show model. 4. Click on show model and genotype button on the cage. 5. Cross two creatures. 6. Can you find the parents of the new cage? 7. Select two random male and female creatures from Cage 1 and Cage 2. 8. Cross the creatures. 9. Keep crossing the creatures till you get 10 cages. 10. Select two cages to compare them. 11. Select male and female creaturesfrom the selected cages. 12. Cross the creatures. 13. How many cages do you see. 14. Save the work. 15. Exit VGL. 16. Start VGL. 17. Open the work you saved during the last session. 18. Select the mode Show model and all genotypes. 19. How many cages you see? 20. Cross creatures from any cages to add new offspring. 21. Save the work. 22. Exit VGL. 23. Start VGL. 24. Open the saved work file. 25. How many cages do you see. 26. Print your work to a file. 27. Go to the folder where you printed the file. Open the file. You should see your work in a printed format. 28. How many cages do you see in the file? 29. Exit VGL.