
Assigned to
Assigned Date
Due Date
Sorceforge Release
April 14 2005
May 20 2005

Final release on Sourceforge. Alpha and Beta to be removed. High Priority bugs removed. Application suite with full functionalities as prioritized and required by the client.

Documentation complete.

Protex-David/ Namita

Genex- Ruchi

VGL- Pradeep

Convert- David

April 14 2005
May 20 2005

Documentation complete, uploaded to Sourceforge. Ornamentation freeze. Project report handed to advisor.

Bugs reported at Sourceforge.
April 14 2005
May 18 2005
The bugs will be entered as and when encountered into the Sourceforge.
Test, prepare test document and convert to XML


Genex- Ruchi

VGL- Pradeep

Convert- David

Mar 15 2005

May 18 2005

Used to convert usecases and test documents to xml
Poster Presentation
Pradeep, Ruchi
Apr 12 2005

May 4 2005

Spring party with demo of MGX and poster presentation. Preponed from May 11 to May 4. Team presented the the application suite.

User/ client/ developer testing for Beta Release of suite
April 14 2005

May 10 2005

All three applications are tested on Mac OS X by Professor White and his student(s).
Alpha Release with common UI for suite and basic functionalities


Genex- Ruchi

VGL- Pradeep

Feb 10 2005

Mar 18 2005

Released on website Mar 20. Final alpha release- Mar 30th

User/ client/ developer testing for Alpha release of suite
Feb 10 2005

Mar 11 2005

All three applications will be tested on Mac OS X by Professor White's student(s).
Protex - Coloring Algo and Common UI
Jan 27 2005

Mar 1 2005

Basic working model of Protex as discussed with Professor White on Jan 27
Test Genex (v 1.3)

Dec 14 2004

Jan 17 2005
Test plan, test document in CVS.
Vision version 2
Dec 14 2004
Jan 31 2005
We have a different vision as reflected on our index page.
Project progress presentation
David/ Pradeep
Nov 22 2004
Dec 9 2004
Presented by: David, Pradeep
Design of Protex, Common UI
Nov 18 2004
Dec 21 2004
Scope reduced to Protex SA. Completed on Jan 3. Common UI discussed with client on Jan 27, yet to be signed.
Nov 22 2004
Dec 2 2004
Team contributed. ERS finally reviewed and edited by David.
Use cases
Nov 7 2004
Nov 28 2004
Use Case Scenarios

Oct 14 2004

Nov 22 2004
Version 4 signed by the Professor White. Improving the scenarios as per his suggestions.
Folding Algorithm code

Oct 14 2004

Nov 5 2004
Had delays due to presentation. Client needs a different front end and energy equation for protein folding
Venture Capital presentation
David /Namita/ Ruchi

Oct 21 2004

Nov 4 2004

Presented by Namita and Ruchi
Website available at www.cs.umb.edu/mgx

Oct 14 2004

Oct 25 2004
Web admin- Pradeep during fall and David during spring
CS Forums
Oct 14 2004
Oct 25 2004

Admin/ moderator- David. Team uses forums for communication

CVS up and running
Oct 14 2004
Oct 25 2004
Will be tested and used by team by Nov 1 (CVS admin- Ruchi)
Move web docs to SourceForge.com

Oct 14 2004

Oct 25 2004
This site (SourceForge) will be updated by Namita.
Vision statement
Oct 3 2004
Oct 7 2004
Slipped by a week as we rescheduled the first meeting with our customer--Professor Brian White/Department of Biology.
Risk Analysis
Sep 30 2004
Oct 3 2004
To be revised as necessary.
Initial thoughts
Sep 30 2004
Oct 3 2004
Reflects our working strategy.
Project web page
Sep 30 2004
Oct 3 2004
Web page will be updated weekly to reflect progress on this project.
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