Home>Meeting Minutes>Spring Semester 2005> January 27 2005

Meeting Minutes
Date: January 27th, 2005
Time: 9:30 am to 12:00 pm

  • Ruchi Dubey
  • Pradeep Kadiyala
  • Namita Singla
  • David Portman
  • Professor White (until 10:30 AM)

  • GUIs for Protex, VGL and GeneX--The students showed drawings of the proposed GUIs to Professor White.  Professor White looked over the drawings and added his ideas regarding the layouts and history functions.  Namita will further modify the drawings, and present them to Professor White for approval.
  • Future team meetings with Professor White--Tuesday and Thursday mornings are good times for everyone.
  • Biology Department computer lab--Professor White gave the students a quick tour.
  • Division of labor--A plan.
    • Namita and David will start writing code for a GUI prototype, which they will adapt for use for Protex.  (David has agreed to perform research on how to implement certain functionalities that Professor White has asked for.)
    • Ruchi will take responsibility for GeneX, and will continue testing.  She will take and modify for use with GeneX the GUI prototype that is to be developed by Namita and David.
    • Pradeep will take responsibility for testing VGL.  He will take and modify for use with VGL the GUI prototype that is to be developed by Namita and David.
  • David demonstrated the text parsing script he wrote in Perl.  Ruchi suggested that this script be used to translate into XML the various use cases as they are written and tested for GeneX, VGL and Protex.  The goal is to compile a library of use cases gradually, that is, over the course of the semester. 
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