Home>Meeting Minutes>Spring Semester 2005> May 03 2005

Meeting Minutes
Date: May 3rd, 2005
Time: 10:00 am to 11:30 am

  • Ruchi Dubey
  • Pradeep Kadiyala
  • David Portman
  • Namita Singla
  • Professor Bolker

  • Professor Bolker tested all three applications in the Unix lab, and took note of application status and bugs.  Major findings are listed here.
    • Protex: Folding takes a long time (several seconds) on old machines.  Therefore, there should be some sort of feedback to let the user know that the application is still running.
    • Genex: If the user double clicks on a single nitrogenous base the whole DNA sequence is selected (on the Unix machines).   This functionality serves no purpose and should be disabled.  Also, the mouse pointer appears to be inaccurate.  Pointing and clicking on one item sometimes selects a neighboring item instead.  This inaccuracy might be a source of frustation for some users.
    • VGL: Program can appear to be unresponsive if popup windows (e.g., creature images) fall behind main GUI.  Either those images should be forced to stay "on top" of the GUI, or they should be displayed as part of a separate thread.

  • Students reviewed poster and schedule for presentation on May 4th.  Ruchi will begin setting up MGX poster at 3:30 pm. 

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