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April 22 2205:


Drag and drop feature in Protex is more difficult than expected as there are design issues. This needs time but it is very important to the client.
Implemented successfully by a team member adn tested by client.

Alpha Release with common UI for suite and basic functionalities had installation and many problems. The team invested around 10 days to overcome those problems. We will have to compensate for this loss.

NSIS Installation file prepared and tested by a team member for Windows. Zip file having 3 jars for MAC and other OS.

GeneX, VGL and Protex need to be stable before beta release. Team is working hard to implement some very important features requested by the client as well as making it stable.

The team worked hard till the last moment to test, remove bugs and implement maximum functionality.
Documentation, testing and making use cases to a common format-XML would take time. It is very crucial for the team to be able to divide the task and set proper internal deadlines.
The team divided the task well and worked hard to accomplish the maximum.

The user testing depends on the availability of intro Bio students.

We decided to have an optional testing during the poster presentation.

Bugs have to be reported at sourceforge. It is very important to be able to test the applications and work on high priority bugs.

All bugs will be reported till the last minute at Sourceforge. We have removed high priority bugs and have stable version of application suite.
The team is still not good at estimating time.
We go by the trial and error process.

The team is slipping on the deliverables and has to reschedule the deadlines.

We worked till the last minute to compensate for the loss.

Poster presentation due date has been pre-poned by a week. The team has to reschedule and prioritize to demo a stable release.

Team divided the task efficiently for poster presentation and Protex functionality.

 February 22 2005:


There was loss of momentum during winter break.
The team worked hard to compensate the loss .

GeneX is being re-written to refactor and add functionalities as per the MasterGUI.

The code was refactored and used as much as possible.

Additional functionality to conform to the same look and feel in the Master GUI is taking a lot of time to research and come up with a solution.
The team was successful to have a stable stand alone mode.
VGL, GeneX and Protex need to be tested well after the new implementations. The testing has to be done by the developers, client and users. Scheduling needs to be proper.
XML document for each application having use cases and test results is prepared.
An additional task of converting the tests/use cases to xml would need time.
We worked till the last moment for this.

The team is not good at estimating time.

We go by the trial and error process.
Every thing needs to be documented well and the team will have to prioritize this task.
Help documentation has been prepared for the GUI. Protex document explaining the bio-chemistry will be written by the client.

We need to schedule the user testing properly as in spring break we might now have any testers.

Successful in arranging user testing for alpha release.

  January 22 2005


The coloring algorithm of protein structure has been provided by the client but the success of Protex depends on its accuracy.
We implemented the coloring algorithm so that it can be tested by the client.

There are a number of ways in which we may proceed in this project. Improper vision may cause an impact and delays.

Team focussed on MGX stand alone mode.

VGL and GeneX need to be tested well and debugged. This is taking time and may further cause delays in MGX integrated mode application.
GeneX tested in Winter break. VGL in April. XML document prepared by May.
Client modified the source code of GeneX and gave a new version before the break.
Developer merged the new code and tested it. The team also requested client to stop working on the code.
VGL, Genex and Protex need to have the same look and feel. The team needs to know the priority of this job to further proceed.
For MGX to be possible, same look and feel was very important and we gave it a very high priority after consulting with the client.

This project is most feasible and may raise expectations of the client to increase the scope of the project.

We tried to deliver as much as possible and are leaving the project in a very good shape for next team.
The team is still not good at estimating time.
We go by the trial and error process.

 December 6 2004:


We will have to integrate existing applications: VGL, GeneX and Protex.
We did not have time to integrate the applications.
Professor White needs to specify the colouring and mixing algorithms of the protein structure (Protex).

Algorithms given by Professor White in time. Team implemented it as early as possible so that the bio-chemistry can be tested.

Student developers have to work on the deliverables as well as code and integrate. An improper balance will lead to delays.
We divide the work properly to carry out everything in parallel.
There are many unreported bugs in Genex and VGL. The number exceeds our estimation. GeneX tested in Winter break. VGL in April. XML document prepared by May.

Bugs have to be reported at sourceforge. It is very important to be able to test the applications and work on high priority bugs.

All bugs will be reported till the last minute at Sourceforge. We have removed high priority bugs and have stable version of application suite.
The team is still not good at estimating time.
We go by the trial and error process.

  November 8 2004:



We are having delays in the release of folding algorithm code that is needed by the client as the team was not actually following the pipelined approach.

We divided our tasks and worked hard to have maximum output.
We will have to integrate existing applications: VGL, GeneX and Protex.

We did not have time to integrate the applications

The feasibility of MGX 1.0 may raise the expectations of our customer, Professor White.

We had regular meetings with the client and updated him about our progress.
Professor White needs to specify the colouring and mixing algorithms of the protein structure (Protex). Algorithms given by Professor White in time. Team implemented it as early as possible so that the bio-chemistry can be tested.

Student developers have to work on the deliverables as well as code and integrate. An improper balance will lead to delays.

We divided the work properly to carry out tasks in parallel.
The team is still not good at estimating time.
We go by the trial and error process.

October 3 2004:


We will have to integrate existing applications: VGL, GeneX and Protex.
We did not have time to integrate the applications.
Professor White needs to specify the colouring and mixing algorithms of the protein structure (Protex).

Algorithms given by Professor White in time. Team implemented it as early as possible so that the bio-chemistry can be tested.

Student developers have to work on the deliverables as well as code and integrate. An improper vision and balance will lead to delays.
We divide the work properly to carry out everything in parallel.
The client has worked and modified the source of VGL/ GeneX projects thus we are not sure about refactoring and scalability issues. GeneX tested in Winter break. VGL in April. XML document prepared by May.

The folding algorithm needs a better front end so that the client can use it, as this aids him in the development of the main algorithm. We are not sure how much time it would take.

Task accomplished by November.
The team is still not good at estimating time.
We go by the trial and error process.
Folding algorithm has a very primitive error handling at this point and we might need to work on it before we can even start working on the front end. This will again consume time and we are not sure how much it would be.
Team has refactored the code and improved as much as possible.
Understanding the VGL, GeneX and folding will take some time.
We started looking at code, working on bugs in November.


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