Risks |
Mitigations |
Drag and drop feature in Protex is more difficult than expected as there are design issues. This needs time but it is very important to the client. |
Implemented successfully by a team member adn tested by client. |
Alpha Release with common UI for suite and basic functionalities had installation and many problems. The team invested around 10 days to overcome those problems. We will have to compensate for this loss.
NSIS Installation file prepared and tested by a team member for Windows. Zip file having 3 jars for MAC and other OS.
GeneX, VGL and Protex need to be stable before beta release. Team is working hard to implement some very important features requested by the client as well as making it stable.
The team worked hard till the last moment to test, remove bugs and implement maximum functionality. |
Documentation, testing and making use cases to a common format-XML would take time. It is very crucial for the team to be able to divide the task and set proper internal deadlines. |
The team divided the task well and worked hard to accomplish the maximum. |
The user testing depends on the availability of intro Bio students.
We decided to have an optional testing during the poster presentation. |
Bugs have to be reported at sourceforge. It is very important to be able to test the applications and work on high priority bugs.
All bugs will be reported till the last minute at Sourceforge. We have removed high priority bugs and have stable version of application suite. |
The team is still not good at estimating time. |
We go by the trial and error process. |
The team is slipping on the deliverables and has to reschedule the deadlines.
We worked till the last minute to compensate for the loss. |
Poster presentation due date has been pre-poned by a week. The team has to reschedule and prioritize to demo a stable release.
Team divided the task efficiently for poster presentation and Protex functionality. |